Screen Images published!

We are enormously happy that our edited volume Screen Images. In-Game Photography, Screenshot, Screencast has been published now in open access ( The book contains many inspiring chapters by fantastic authors as well as artworks from outstanding artists. I am personally very happy that the volume offers a number of new texts on in-game photography. We hope everyone enjoys reading it!
Screen Images cover text
This volume examines historical and contemporary image practices and phenomena, including screenshots, screen photography, screencasts and in-game photography. The individual chapters pose questions relating to the status, ontology and aesthetics of such practices. The authors and artists investigate the potential for a new area of research at the intersection of a range of disciplines, such as media studies, media aesthetics, media history, image studies, photography theory, game studies, media art and game art. As one of the first publications to address these phenomena, this book speaks to a varied audience in the realms of media studies, game studies and cultural studies as well as to members of the general public interested in historical and contemporary practices associated with visual and digital media.
Cover Text “Screen Images”
Screen Images
In-Game Photography, Screenshot, Screencast
Winfried Gerling, Sebastian Möring, Marco De Mutiis (ed.)
Publisher: Kadmos Verlag, Berlin 2023.
Language: English
376 pages, 15 x 23 cm
ISBN 978-3-86599-535-3
Foreword 7
Winfried Gerling, Sebastian Möring, Marco De Mutiis: Introduction 11
Winnie Soon: Unerasable Images 43
Birgit Schneider: “Shoot(ing) the Image” – A Look at Screen Images from a Meta-Pictorial and Media-Archaeological Perspective 53
Gareth Damian Martin: Pathways (extracted from The Continuous City) 79
Jacob Gaboury: Paper Computing and Early Screenshot Cultures 87
Winfried Gerling: In-Front-of-the-Screen Images – A Photo Essay 93
Michael Schäfer: Three Probes into Recent History 137
Stephan Günzel: Image Reflection: Television-Screen Photography 145
Rowan Lear: Everything Starts to Shake: Gameplay, Shutter Lag and Fugitivity 161
Azahara Cerezo: Paisajes Digitales de una Guerra 169
Paul Frosh: Screenshots and the Memory of Photography 173
COLL.EO: Upscaling to Remain the Same 193
Joanna Zylinska: Screen Cuts: Training Perception Beyond “the Eye” 201
Kent Sheely: The Swamp 215
Cindy Poremba: Ansel and the (T / M)aking of Amateur Game Photography 223
Natalie Maximova: The Edge of the World 245
Marco De Mutiis: How to Win at Photography – How Games Teach Us to See 253
Sebastian Möring: The Conditional Cyberimage – On the Role of Gameplayin Artistic In-Game Photography 263
Alan Butler: Nine Swimming Pools and a Broken Glass 285
Katrina Sluis: The Phantom of the Mirror: The Screenshots of Mario Santamaría 289
Roc Herms: Hacer Pantallazo 295
Friedrich Tietjen: Documenting Witnessing: Two Cases of TV-Screen Photography 301
Emily Wick: Blind Spots 309
Jan Distelmeyer: A Case for Interface Studies: From Screenshots to Desktop / Screen Films 317
Till Rückwart: Salty Glitches 333
Julia Eckel: Screencasting: Documenting Processuality 341
Author Biographies 371
More information and open access download on the page of Kadmos: